This is the function which Gelato will be calling. harvestVault
claims yield generated from a pool and re-deposits them back into the pool.
Copy function harvestVault ( IVault vault) public onlyAfterDelay ( vault ) {
// Amount to Harvest
uint256 afterFee = vault. harvest ();
require (afterFee > 0 , "!Yield" );
IERC20 from = vault. rewards ();
IERC20 to = vault. target ();
address connector = getBestConnector (
address (from) ,
address (to) ,
// Quickswap path
address [] memory path;
if (connector == address ( 0 )) {
path = new address []( 2 );
path[ 0 ] = address (from);
path[ 1 ] = address (to);
} else {
path = new address []( 3 );
path[ 0 ] = address (from);
path[ 1 ] = connector;
path[ 2 ] = address (to);
// Swap underlying to target
from. approve ( address (ROUTER) , afterFee);
uint256 received = ROUTER. swapExactTokensForTokens (
afterFee ,
1 ,
path ,
address ( this ) ,
block.timestamp + 1
)[path.length - 1 ];
// Send profits to vault
to. approve ( address (vault) , received);
vault. distribute (received);
emit Harvested ( address (vault) , msg.sender);
ETHA uses this resolver below to check for ready to be harvested pools.
Copy function checker ()
returns ( bool canExec , bytes memory execPayload)
uint256 delay = harvester. delay ();
for ( uint256 i = 0 ; i < vaults. length (); i ++ ) {
IVault vault = IVault ( getVault (i));
canExec = block.timestamp >= vault. lastDistribution (). add (delay);
execPayload = abi. encodeWithSelector (
IHarvester.harvestVault.selector ,
address (vault)
if (canExec) break ;
The resolver loops through an array of pools. And for each vault, if a defined delay
has elapsed since the previous harvest time, canExec
will return true
, prompting Gelato to execute the task. execPayload
will be the data to the function call harvestVault(address vault)
and its argument is the address of the vault to be harvested.