Note: For now the configuration is fixed and cannot be changed.
Web3 Function Context
When writing the Web3 Function, it is very helpful to understand the context Gelato injects into the execution, providing additional features to widen the Web3 Functions applicability.
Web3Functions are stateless scripts, that will run in a new & empty memory context on every execution. If you need to manage some state variable, we provide a simple key/value store that you can access from your web3 function context.
See the above example to read & update values from your storage:
import {
} from "@gelatonetwork/web3-functions-sdk";
Web3Function.onRun(async (context: Web3FunctionContext) => {
const { storage, multiChainProvider } = context;
const provider = multiChainProvider.default();
// Use storage to retrieve previous state (stored values are always string)
const lastBlockStr = (await storage.get("lastBlockNumber")) ?? "0";
const lastBlock = parseInt(lastBlockStr);
console.log(`Last block: ${lastBlock}`);
const newBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber();
console.log(`New block: ${newBlock}`);
if (newBlock > lastBlock) {
// Update storage to persist your current state (values must be cast to string)
await storage.set("lastBlockNumber", newBlock.toString());
return {
canExec: false,
message: `Updated block number: ${newBlock.toString()}`,
To populate the storage values in your testing, in the same directory as your web3 function, create a file storage.json and fill in the storage values.
"lastBlockNumber": "1000"
Test out the storage web3 function:
npx hardhat w3f-run storage --logs
In the same directory as your web3 function, create a .env file and fill up your secrets.
Access your secrets from the Web3Function context:
// Get api from secrets
const coingeckoApi = await context.secrets.get("COINGECKO_API");
if (!coingeckoApi) {
return { canExec: false, message: `COINGECKO_API not set in secrets` };
Test your web3 function using secrets:
npx hardhat w3f-run secrets --logs
When deploying a task, you will be able to set your web3 function secrets on our UI or using the SDK, see here
The multichainProvider allows to instantiate RPC providers for every network Gelato is deployed.
import {
} from "@gelatonetwork/web3-functions-sdk";
Web3Function.onRun(async (context: Web3FunctionContext) => {
const { multiChainProvider } = context;
// multichainProvider.default() will instantiate
// the provider of the chain the W3F is deployed
const provider = multiChainProvider.default();
// passing the ChainId as follows, we can instantiate
// a rpc provider for that network
const polygonProvider = multiChainProvider.chainId(137)
When testing locally, we can provide the different providers by including them in the .env at the root folder.
// .env file
Gelato Arguments
Gelato injects the chainId, the gasPrice, and the taskId into the context.