How to communicate directly with the Gelato Relay API
Last updated
How to communicate directly with the Gelato Relay API
Last updated
The Gelato Relay API endpoint URL is https://api.gelato.digital/
The Swagger UI is located at https://api.gelato.digital/api-docs
Each relay request method possesses optional parameters such as the gasLimit
, and retries
. You can find more information on these on the Optional Parameters page.
/call-with-sync-fee/: for more information, please click here.
/call-with-sync-fee-erc2771/: for more information, please click here.
/sponsored-call/: for more information, please click here.
/sponsored-call-erc2771/: for more information, please click here.
Id of the chain where the fee is estimated
Payment Token
Gas limit
Priority | if high: true, otherwise: false
Gas limit for Layer 1
Id of the chain where the conversion rate is estimated
Token in which the conversion rate is estimated from the native token of the selected chain. If a value is not provided, it will default to the USDC address on the selected chain
Please find more information here: https://docs.gelato.network/developer-products/gelato-relay-sdk/sdk-methods/relaywithsyncfee
Please find more information here: https://docs.gelato.network/developer-products/gelato-relay-sdk/sdk-methods/relaywithsyncfeeERC2771
Please find more information here: https://docs.gelato.network/developer-products/gelato-relay-sdk/sdk-methods/relaywithsponsoredcall
Please find more information here: https://docs.gelato.network/developer-products/gelato-relay-sdk/sdk-methods/relaywithsponsoreduserauthcall