🕵️Tracking your Relay Request

Learn how to check the status of your relay request

When submitting your Gelato Relay requests, you'll receive a taskId in response. This taskId allows you to track the status of your request in two primary ways:

  1. Websocket Subscriptions: This is the recommended and most efficient method. By subscribing via websocket, the Gelato backend will automatically push updates for all your tasks to your Relay SDK client. To start receiving these updates, you must register a callback function which will be triggered every time one of your tasks gets updated.

  2. Polling for Updates: Alternatively, you can periodically query the Gelato task status API for updates. If you're using the Gelato Relay SDK, the getTaskStatus method makes this easy.

For both methods, if you aren't using the Gelato Relay SDK package, you can still interact directly with the websocket or REST APIs, as detailed in the documentation linked here.

Websocket Subscriptions

Using Gelato Relay SDK

Support for Websocket Subscriptions was introduced in Gelato Relay SDK version 5.5.0, make sure to update your package.

You can subscribe to websocket updates by registering a callback handler function like this:

import { GelatoRelay, TransactionStatusResponse } from "@gelatonetwork/relay-sdk";

const gelatoRelay = new GelatoRelay();

gelatoRelay.onTaskStatusUpdate((taskStatus: TransactionStatusResponse) => {
  console.log("Task status update", taskStatus);

const request: SponsoredCallRequest = {

const response = await gelatoRelay.sponsoredCall(

Using websocket API

You can interact with the websocket API directly by connecting to this endpoint:


Once connected, you can subscribe to updates using taskIds of your submitted tasks by sending messages like this:

    action: "subscribe",
    taskId: "0x..."

To unsubscribe from updates:

    action: "unsubscribe",
    taskId: "0x..."

Polling for Updates

Using Gelato Relay SDK

To query the latest task status you can use the following method:

import { GelatoRelay } from "@gelatonetwork/relay-sdk";

const gelatoRelay = new GelatoRelay();

const request: SponsoredCallRequest = {

const response = await gelatoRelay.sponsoredCall(

const taskStatus = await gelatoRelay.getTaskStatus(

Querying from Gelato API


For example, if your taskId returned from your Relay response is:

    taskId: 0x93a3defc618ff97c32a37bdd567b15c50748a5c3e8e858bca67f0c967b74a7fe

then the URL to go to is:


For this taskId, here is the returned task information:

    "task": {
        "chainId": 5,
        "taskId": "0x93a3defc618ff97c32a37bdd567b15c50748a5c3e8e858bca67f0c967b74a7fe",
        "taskState": "ExecSuccess",
        "creationDate": "2022-10-10T10:15:03.932Z",
        "executionDate": "2022-10-10T10:15:28.718Z",
        "transactionHash": "0x9d260d1bbe075be0cda52a3271df062748f3182ede91b3aae5cd115f7b26552b",
        "blockNumber": 7744557

Task Status Response

The task status response object has the following format:

type TransactionStatusResponse = {
  chainId: number;
  taskId: string;
  taskState: TaskState;
  creationDate: string;
  lastCheckDate?: string;
  lastCheckMessage?: string;
  transactionHash?: string;
  blockNumber?: number;
  executionDate?: string;
  gasUsed?: string;
  effectiveGasPrice?: string;

enum TaskState {
  CheckPending = "CheckPending",
  ExecPending = "ExecPending",
  WaitingForConfirmation = "WaitingForConfirmation",
  ExecSuccess = "ExecSuccess",
  ExecReverted = "ExecReverted",
  Cancelled = "Cancelled",

Task states

For the taskState key, these are the possible values:

  • CheckPending: the relay request has been received by Gelato Relay (pending simulation).

  • ExecPending: the relay task is executable and is awaiting inclusion into the blockchain.

  • WaitingForConfirmation: the task was included into the blockchain but is still awaiting the required amount of blocks confirmations.

  • ExecSuccess: the task has been successfully executed.

  • Cancelled: the task has been cancelled due to failed simulations or other errors. The error message will be shown in the lastCheckMessage key.

  • ExecReverted: the task transaction has been reverted.

What if my task is cancelled?

If your task is cancelled, you can find your error message under the lastCheckMessage key, for example:

    "task": {
        "chainId": 56,
        "taskId": "0x5f0200652404f9f113a757b4208984f7f4ca25754ddd5c49ca28330e72160c12",
        "taskState": "Cancelled",
        "creationDate": "2023-03-03T14:01:14.327Z",
        "lastCheckDate": "2023-03-03T14:01:44.128Z",
        "lastCheckMessage": "Execution error: GelatoRelay.sponsoredCall:root already sent"

The error message in this case refers to the target contract reverting with the message "root already sent" when being called by Gelato Relay's sponsoredCall function. If you get something similar and you are stuck on troubleshooting, then try:

Self-debugging using API Endpoint

If you don't want to make use of tenderly, you can copy the data returned from the API to either foundry or a simulation software of your choice.

Otherwise, please get in touch with us via Discord and ask in the relay channel! We will be sure to figure out what's going on.

Last updated