For this taskId, here is the returned task information:
{"task":{"chainId":137,"taskId":"0xdeaeee394c952d8b23c86eacc704adf7b605d89d992cec9a5fc86e4a517f053b","taskState":"CheckPending","creationDate":"2023-06-01T20:10:39.985Z","lastCheckDate":"2023-06-09T06:22:44.966Z","lastCheckMessage":"Fail to run Web3Function: Web3Function exited with code=1","lastExecDate":"2023-06-09T08:15:11.883Z","lastExecTransactionHash":"0xc2e57f5b56bf24ae77eca31fbe76ecf16cd30cb0fc5592207bb567addff62402" } }
The first thing to look at is the taskState key:
Task states:
For the taskState key, these are the possible values:
CheckPending: the task is pending simulation.
ExecPending: the task is executable and is awaiting inclusion into the blockchain.
WaitingForConfirmation: the task was included into the blockchain but is still awaiting the required amount of blocks confirmations.
ExecSuccess: the task has been successfully executed.
Cancelled: the task has been canceled by the owner
ExecReverted: the task transaction has been reverted.
Task Logs URL
Provided the ChainId and taskId, this API will return the logs in the last 24 hours, the query param limit is optional
For this taskId, here is the returned task information:
{ {"logs": [ {"date":"2023-06-09T08:43:52.404Z","state":"WaitingForConfirmation","type":"WaitingForConfirmation","message":"txHash: 0x788726ed95f2f916a47cae0c6cdfbea91e1c8e3756f91e0efc08fa501daed8f0" }, {"date":"2023-06-09T08:43:51.835Z","state":"ExecPending","type":"ExecPendingCheck","message":"Task submitted for execution", "web3FunctionLogs":["Text generated: ","Chaffinches are small, colourful birds which feed on seeds and insects. They have buff-coloured breasts streaked with brown markings, bright pinkish-red faces and wings marked with white bars. In summer they breed in woodlands; in winter many move south to warmer areas.","Text generated: ","Chameleons are lizards known for their ability to change color, excellent vision and long, sticky tongues used to catch prey."]
} ]}