Execution & Balance Alerts

Deprecation Notice: Gelato Functions is set to replace Automate, providing enhanced automation capabilities, access to off-chain data, unified payments across networks, and a performance boost. Migrate your tasks to Gelato Functions before Legacy Automate's end of life on June 30th, 2024 for uninterrupted service.

Automate provides an alerting service to enable you to get notified about your task executions, problems or when your balance is getting low. Alerting currently supports notifications in Telegram and Discord, with other channels on the way.

Types of notifications

Setting up Telegram Notifications

You can visit your notifications area to follow the steps listed below.

  1. Add GelatoWatcherBot to your Telegram - if you have Telegram installed you can just click on the link to do this.

  2. Enter the command /start

  3. The bot will show you the main alerts that you can request by entering the command.

When you enter each command the bot will step you through the inputs required to finish setting up the alert.

You can view the full list of commands at any time by entering /help

Telegram Bot Commands

Discord DM Notifications

In this mode you receive your alerts as DM's to your Discord handle. To activate:

  1. Choose from the list of commands below

If you would prefer to receive alerts in a specific channel please see how to get Discord notifications in your server.

Discord notifications in your own server

  1. Add our Gelato Bot to your server using this invite link (you need to be admin of the server)

  2. If you want to receive notifications in a private channel, make sure to add Gelato Bot as a member in the channel where you want to receive the notification.

  3. Enter the following commands in the channel you want to receive alerts.

Default Thresholds

Unless overridden these are the default levels that are used for each network.

If you need more notifications or new communication channels, your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Last updated

Change request #334: 1Balance-update