For event triggered typescript functions, use the Web3FunctionEventContext instead of the regular Web3FunctionContext on your onRun handler.
The context will then include a log property containing your full event log that you can parse and process.
Event Triggered Typescript Function example
import { Interface } from"@ethersproject/abi";import { Web3Function, Web3FunctionEventContext } from"@gelatonetwork/web3-functions-sdk";constNFT_ABI= ["event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)",];Web3Function.onRun(async (context:Web3FunctionEventContext) => {// Get event log from Web3FunctionEventContextconst { log } = context;// Parse your event from ABIconstnft=newInterface(NFT_ABI);constevent=nft.parseLog(log);// Handle event dataconst { from,to,tokenId } =event.args;console.log(`Transfer of NFT #${tokenId} from ${from} to ${to} detected`);return { canExec:false, message:`Event processed ${log.transactionHash}` };});
Testing locally
To test your event triggered typescript function, you can add a log.json file in your web3 function directory:
Copy in the log.json file the raw data of the event you want to test: