The SDK is suitable when you need to integrate task creation into your development environment or automated scripts. It's also useful for complex setups that require conditional logic before task submission.
Use the automate-sdk to easily create a new task:
yarn install @gelatonetwork/automate-sdk
Typescript Functions are still in private beta, make sure to use the beta version of the automate-sdk to have access to it
Typescript Function
Import the sdk and create task, passing your typescript function CID & arguments:
import { AutomateSDK, Web3Function } from"@gelatonetwork/automate-sdk";constautomate=newAutomateSDK(chainId, deployer);const { taskId,tx } =awaitautomate.createBatchExecTask({ name:"Web3Function - Eth Oracle", web3FunctionHash: cid, web3FunctionArgs: { oracle:oracle.address, currency:"ethereum", }, trigger: {// Run every minutes type:TriggerType.TIME, interval:60*1000, },});awaittx.wait();
You can specify cron trigger this way:
trigger: { type:TriggerType.CRON, cron:"0 8 * * *",// Run every day at 8:00}
event trigger like this:
trigger: { type:TriggerType.EVENT, filter: {// Listen to PriceUpdated event on Oracle contract address:oracle.address, topics: [[oracle.getEventTopic("PriceUpdated")]], }, blockConfirmations:0,// Trigger immediately},
And block trigger this way:
trigger: { type:TriggerType.BLOCK,}
If your task utilizes secrets, you can set them after the task has been created.
constweb3Function=newWeb3Function(chainId, deployer);constsecrets= { API_KEY:"..."// Set your secret environment variables}awaitweb3Function.secrets.set(secrts, taskId);
Solidity Function
Repeat the installation step as shown above, then import and instantiate the SDK:
constautomate=newAutomateSDK(chainId, signer);
Use createTask to automate your function calls:
interfaceCreateTaskOptions { name:string; // your task name// Function to execute execAddress:string; // address of your target smart contract execSelector:string; // function selector to execute on your target smart contract execAbi?:string; // ABI of your target smart contract// Proxy caller dedicatedMsgSender:boolean; // task will be called via a dedicated msg.sender which you can whitelist (recommended: true)// Optional: Pre-defined / static target smart contract inputs execData?:string; // exec call data // Optional: Dynamic target smart contract inputs (using a resolver) resolverAddress?:string; // resolver contract address resolverData?:string; // resolver call data (encoded data with function selector) resolverAbi?:string; // your resolver contract ABI// Optional: Time based task params interval?:number; // execution interval in seconds startTime?:number; // start timestamp in seconds or 0 to start immediately (default: 0)// Optional: Single execution task singleExec?:boolean; // task cancels itself after 1 execution if true.// Optional: Payment params useTreasury?:boolean; // use false if your task is self-paying (default: true)}constparams:CreateTaskOptions= { name, execAddress, execSelector, interval};const { taskId,tx }:TaskTransaction=awaitautomate.createTask(params);
Deploy a contract & automate your function call:
// Deploying Counter contractconstcounterFactory=awaithre.ethers.getContractFactory("Counter");constcounter=awaitcounterFactory.deploy(GELATO_ADDRESSES[chainId].automate);awaitcounter.deployed();// Call Counter.increaseCount(42) every 10 minutesconst { taskId,tx }:TaskTransaction=awaitautomate.createTask({ execAddress:counter.address, execSelector:counter.interface.getSighash("increaseCount(uint256)"), execData:counter.interface.encodeFunctionData("increaseCount", [42]), execAbi:counter.interface.format("json") asstring, interval:10*60,// execute every 10 minutes name:"Automated counter every 10min", dedicatedMsgSender:true});
Use a Checker to automate your function call:
If you need more configurable execution condition and/or dynamic input data, you can create a task using Checker
// Prepare Task data to automateconstcounter=newContract(COUNTER_ADDRESSES, counterAbi, signer);constresolver=newContract(COUNTER_RESOLVER_ADDRESSES, counterResolverAbi, signer);constselector=counter.interface.getSighash("increaseCount(uint256)");constresolverData=resolver.interface.getSighash("checker()");// Create taskconst { taskId,tx }:TaskTransaction=awaitautomate.createTask({ execAddress:counter.address, execSelector: selector, resolverAddress:resolver.address, resolverData: resolverData, name:"Automated counter using resolver", dedicatedMsgSender:true});
Automated Transaction
The CreateTaskOptions interface is used for configuring Automated Transactions with the same structure and options as defined above.
The only difference is you need to configure your automated transaction without the need for a checker function.
interfaceCreateTaskOptions { name:string; // Name your task execAddress:string; // Address of your target smart contract execSelector:string; // Function selector to call on your target smart contract execAbi?:string; // ABI of your target smart contract (optional) execData?:string; // Call data for the function execution (optional)}
Single Execution Task
If you want to have Gelato call your function only once. If so, set singleExec flag to true when calling createTask.