Getting Started with Relay SDK and Viem
This section is designed to assist developers in implementing the Relay SDK with Viem as an alternative to Ethers.
To start using the Relay SDK with Viem, you need to install the necessary packages:
Copy import { GelatoRelay } from "@gelatonetwork/relay-sdk-viem" ;
import { createPublicClient , http } from "viem" ;
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains" ;
const client = createPublicClient ({
chain : sepolia ,
transport : http () ,
const relay = new GelatoRelay (client);
Copy PRIVATE_KEY=your_private_key_here
Copy import {
CallWithERC2771Request ,
GelatoRelay ,
} from "@gelatonetwork/relay-sdk-viem" ;
import { createWalletClient , http , encodeFunctionData , Hex } from "viem" ;
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts" ;
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains" ;
import * as dotenv from "dotenv" ;
import { Contract , BytesLike } from "ethers" ;
dotenv .config ({ path : ".env" });
import { counterAbi } from "../utils/counterAbi" ;
const privateKey = process . env . PRIVATE_KEY ;
const testSponsoredCallERC2771 = async () => {
const relay = new GelatoRelay ();
const account = privateKeyToAccount (privateKey as Hex );
const client = createWalletClient ({
account ,
transport : http (
` ${ process . env . ALCHEMY_KEY } `
) ,
console .log ( account .address);
const GELATO_RELAY_API_KEY = process . env . GELATO_RELAY_API_KEY as string ;
const counterAddress = "0x00172f67db60E5fA346e599cdE675f0ca213b47b" ;
const chainId = await client .getChainId ();
//encode function data
const data = encodeFunctionData ({
abi : counterAbi ,
functionName : "increment" ,
const relayRequest = {
user : account .address ,
chainId : BigInt (chainId) ,
target : counterAddress ,
data : data as BytesLike ,
} as CallWithERC2771Request ;
const response = await relay .sponsoredCallERC2771 (
relayRequest ,
client as any ,
console .log ( ` ${ response .taskId } ` );
testSponsoredCallERC2771 ();
This guide outlines the initial setup and demonstrates how to utilize the Relay SDK with Viem for sponsoring transactions. To explore more SDK methods and capabilities, please visit: