Block Explorers


Blockscout is a comprehensive, easy-to-use block explorer for viewing, confirming, and inspecting transactions on your L2

Blockscout is live with:

Deep Search: Integrated search capabilities provide detailed information on transactions, tags, and more.

Contract Interaction: Engage with contracts directly through the Blockscout UI.

Contract Verification: Multiple tools are available for swift and reliable contract verification

API Requests: Standardized and customizable endpoints ensure seamless API interactions.

Custom Views: The user interface can be tailored with features like tags, watchlists, and more.


OnDora leverages a multi-ecosystem blockchain search engine for your L2.

Dora Search Engine offers a seamless integration with Gelato L2 chains, allowing users to efficiently extract, visualize, and review network metrics from the genesis block. It features a user-friendly UI, ensuring a smooth user experience and enables tracking of Transfers, Swaps, and Mints within a multi-chain environment


Etherscan is the leading block explorer and search, API & analytics platform for your L2 chain

Transaction Tracking: View and search for Ethereum transactions, blocks, and addresses.

Smart Contract Analysis: Analyze and verify smart contracts.

Gas Tracker: Monitor Ethereum gas prices.

Token Explorer: Explore ERC-20 tokens and their activities.

Blockchain Analytics: Access detailed data and analytics on Ethereum network activities.

Developer APIs: Provide APIs for developers to interact with Ethereum blockchain data.

Last updated